sound by GELA
animation by GELA
fear by GELA
Historically, Schönebeck played an important role in industrial development. In particular, salt extraction and processing and the chemical industry shaped the town's economy.
In addition to historic buildings such as the castle and St. Johannis Church, the center of Schönebeck is home to prefabricated buildings called M10. These 10-storey buildings were mainly built in the Magdeburg/Schönebeck region and provide an insight into the social structure of the town.
Prefabricated building in Schönebeck (Elbe).
"My city, my district, my neighborhood, my area
My street, my home, my block".
With these words, German rapper Sido raps about the Märkisches Viertel in Berlin, Reinickendorf.
The large housing estate, especially in Senftenberger Ring, is adorned with colorful house facades. The view is deceptive, however, because behind it are the same monotonous and socially deprived living conditions as in any prefabricated housing estate.
Prefabricated building in the Märkisches Viertel, Berlin (Reinickendorf).
Halle-Neustadt was founded 58 years ago as the "City of Chemical Workers". HaNeu, as this district is called after the capital of the socialist country Vietnam, is the largest planned city in the GDR.
Characterized by problems such as crime, high unemployment and population backlogs, renovated, colourful high-rise buildings stand right next to decaying, now empty apartment blocks.
Prefabricated building in Halle (Neustadt).
sound by GELA
animation by GELA
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sound by GELA
animation by GELA
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