by Nina Mende



ROOM NO. 3        

3.7.15 – 2.8.15


For SEIZING THE IVORY TOWER #4, Julia Werhahn und Luisa Puschendorf develop a new installation that deals with the ambivalence of public and private spaces. Both artists have been concerned with this topic a for an extended period, and create sensitively, fully composed scenarios, which show different ways in which people arrange their lives, and how they attempt to adapt within it. In their installation ROOM NO. 3, the visitor encounters a sort of futuristic lobby: flooded with light, the sculptures are presented behind glass, and seem to enclose the conserved past and at the same time also a promising future. The room is an exhibition space and a waiting room at once. Whether the art or the viewer is at the center of attention is a question left unanswered.


Curated by Nina Mende