
lives and works in Braunschweig

studies fine arts at HBK Braunschweig 
2021-2021 basic class Shila Khatami
since 2022 class Frances Scholz

Group exhibitions

HBK Rundgang 2021 Grundklasse Malerei Shila Khatami 

Kunstverein Dresden 12.09.2021 Tenant of Culture et al.

HBK Open Studios 2022 No Offense Klasse Frances Scholz
Kunstverein Braunschweig 02.02.-05.02.2023 YOUR RELATIONS ARE OF POWER mit Esra von Kornatzki
HBK Open Studios 2023 A.N.D. Klasse Frances Scholz
Galerie oqbo Berlin 21.07.-05.08.2023 the feeling when you walk away 
HBK Open Studios 2024 and may three moons light up the sky Klasse Frances Scholz
Frankfurter Straße 269 Braunschweig 28.03.2024 pinpointing well meaning upper class prey
Studio, Kirchstraße 2, Bregenz 23.08.2024 tears and new tears