Klasse Frances Scholz, Geb. 40, Raum 110

Workshop: Interview with a plant

Frances Scholz and Ilka Becker
WS 2003 / SS 2004

Besides being used for symbolic purposes in fine arts, visualizations of plants have served to construct knowledge of nature and to establish the status of the subject as an observer of this nature, particularly in the natural sciences of the 80th and the biology of the 19th century. However, one could also write an archeology of plants, that of neutralizing borders, species and of metamorphoses: of the muttering of nature (M. Foucault) in which heterogenous voices interfere - like that of a plant being interviewed. Which fantasies can be evolved about this dialogue, and what can theoretic-scientificial fictions look like that found or follow it. It is the workshop`s concern to find out how a theoretical approach can generate visual material without one`s fulfilling a task.