Lectures: 2013

Klasse Frances Scholz, Blumenstrasse, Geb. 40, Raum 110
Lecture by Susan Grayson

At 7:00 pm
Klasse Frances Scholz, Blumenstrasse, Geb. 40, Raum 110

Lecture by Chris Kraus

at 7:00 pm

Kelly Lake Store and Other Stories is an exploration Mexi- cali border culture, “participant” art, the romance of region- alism, and the relationship between art and real estate. As a writer and co-editor of the highly influential independent press Semiotext(e), Kraus continues to seamlessly blend the role of author, critic, and editor. Even before she wrote about border culture openly her writing occupied what Helen Stuhr-Rommereim called the ‘rare space where art, politics, theory and feelings are all tied up together be- cause, as she continually makes clear, they are always all tied up together.’ 

HBK Braunschweig